Friday, May 18, 2012

My New Front Yard

by Katie

The spring weather, coupled with a lot of business over the past two weeks, has made me a bad blogger. But I have something to show for it! Here's what I started with in my front yard a couple weeks ago. (Keep your eyes on the tree in the corner.)

Let me backtrack for a second.

It took me a LONG time to dig up all the sod that was growing up under the tree like an awkward poodle skirt. So I did that for a while.

Last weekend was Mother's Day. The Friday before, I had worked in a frenzy to start planting under the tree. Then on Saturday, my mom (the amazing gardener/designer) came into town, and we went to the Olbrich Gardens plant sale and bought a LOT of plants. We drove around town afterwards and dropped in on other plant sales, picking up a few more lovely specimens. Then my mom left, and I worked like a crazy person to get them all in the ground that day. Here's how it went.



So that's what I've been doing! I've added a couple things since taking these pictures, but this is basically where the project is right now. I can't wait to see how it will look when the plants fill in!!

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