Thursday, June 21, 2012

showered with love.

by Crystal

I usually try not to bring up the conversation of Eric and my upcoming wedding. Usually because, if I wanted to, I could talk about it for hours. So when people ask me about it, I just let them know plans are coming along, and I always make it known that I'm just excited to be marrying such a great guy.  (The one caveat for that is with my bridesmaids. I have leaned on them to help make multiple decisions that I'm probably supposed to be making on my own, but am too indecisive. I think we all emailed each other about 20 times just yesterday. No joke.)

But earlier this month, I flew to Chicago for a dual celebration of my sister's 21st Birthday - woo! legal! - and a couples wedding shower. It was beach-themed, and it was awesome. My mom, cousins, and aunts pulled it all together. Eric's mom flew in from Florida. People drove hundreds of miles for this. We really did feel a ridiculous amount of love. I couldn't believe all of these people were gathered for us!

Now, I must tell you I'm a little uncomfortable with having ALL the attention on me. So this day was a bit of an adjustment for me, since all of the focus was on us and our relationship. I tried to make it known how much I appreciated everyone's support, but tend to cry when I am extremely happy/excited, so I saved everyone the awkwardness and kept my gratitude speech very short. Thank you cards are being mailed, so I can appropriately thank everyone, and cry in the privacy of my own apartment while doing it. No one feels awkward that way...right?

I also want to send a big internet THANK YOU to everyone who was there, including my two fellow bloggers :). It was an awesome day, that made me even more excited for THE day.

And now, I must share pictures (Obv). Enjoy!

I mustache you a question.

The Newlywed Game / Almost Wed Game

...when asked what was our favorite vacation that we went on together.

...when asked what he would change about me. OK, so maybe I don't flush the toilet every time. Love it or hate it, I'm saving water and saving the planet, people!

Awesome, luggage friendly, gifts!
My cousin Bria was gracious enough to host this at her house!


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