Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Springtime Inspiration

by Katie

Last week was just...one of those weeks. We all have them. It was something like this:

Then an unwanted Midwestern March weekend of snow, snow, and more snow. The emotional dregs of the last part of winter ensued...mild depression, anxiety, all of that fun human crap that results from too little sunshine.

It all left me feeling very...ugh.

And then today happened.

It was like I was sitting in the stuffiest, smelliest, ugliest, darkest room you can imagine--and then someone opened a window. And the room was bathed in light. And I realized that there was all this cool stuff in the room that I missed before, because it was so dark and smelly and whatnot.

Today was absolutely, unseasonably beautiful. Full sun, all day, 60 degrees...my sleeves were rolled up, my car windows were rolled down, and I even went so far as to buy a milkshake. That's right. Premature summer craving, what up.


In the spirit of my newfound joy and inspiration, I thought I'd share some songs that popped up randomly today, on the radio and in conversation--some of my favorites. A sure sign from the universe that things are looking up, and spring is truly on its way.

First up, "Home" by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros. This is a feel-good song if ever there was one.

Then, "I'd Run Away" by the Jayhawks. Not only do I love this song and adore this band, but this music video is so very, very summery that it made me feel doubly happy when I watched it. 

Next, the haunting and ethereal "Hide and Seek" by the oh-so-talented Imogen Heap.

And finally, "Sideways" by Citizen Cope. Crystal introduced me to this song years ago. Was so excited to hear these last two songs, back to back, on the local student radio station today. 

I'll leave by pointing you to a little gem of a video I found, featuring the crazy-infectious song by Florence and the Machine.

Happy, happy spring!

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