Friday, May 25, 2012

More May Clothes

by Crystal

Hello friends. How have you been? I will admit, I've been slacking in #StyleMeMay as the days of the month are dwindling. But I've still been participating when it's convenient for me. Because that's what it's all about right? Do it when you want, and wear jeans, t-shirt, and no makeup when it's not.

Day 16 - Make me blush. At first I was just going to put a little extra blush on my cheeks and call it a day. But then I saw this outfit, and was inspired. I had similar pieces in my closet! I could do that! Pink is blush! Get it?

I also discovered PicFrame to put a few different pictures on Instragram. I highly recommend.
Later that evening, I sat out on the balcony with a glass of wine and a book. And then I realized, I was drinking blush wine! I highly exceeded my own expectations for my Day 16 participation. Gold star.

Day 17 - Your Style Icon. Although I'm not sure I have a style ICON, I am drawn to a certain casual/put together/classic/bohemian chic combination. All of those go together, right? Well, it's making sense in my head. And I've noticed I always like what Jessica Alba wears, so I google searched some of her outfits and voila!

 Day 18 - Color Blocking. I've worn this outfit a few times. It's a good go to. Gotta love those. I cut off my head in the photo because my hair was still wet. You needed to know that.

Day 20 - An expensive splurge. Just so happened to be a day where I went down to Greensboro and found out there was a Francesca's! I was happy to honor this day and splurge a little. Just doing what I can to support the cause.

Day 21 - Show off your gams. I'm going to be honest here. I'm not entirely proud of my "gams." They're extremely short, and they tend to cause me problems when trying to buy pants and certain skirts. So I did a different take. They carried me four miles that day, and I was very pleased with that! Thank you, legs. You do more than I give you credit for.

Friday, May 18, 2012

My New Front Yard

by Katie

The spring weather, coupled with a lot of business over the past two weeks, has made me a bad blogger. But I have something to show for it! Here's what I started with in my front yard a couple weeks ago. (Keep your eyes on the tree in the corner.)

Let me backtrack for a second.

It took me a LONG time to dig up all the sod that was growing up under the tree like an awkward poodle skirt. So I did that for a while.

Last weekend was Mother's Day. The Friday before, I had worked in a frenzy to start planting under the tree. Then on Saturday, my mom (the amazing gardener/designer) came into town, and we went to the Olbrich Gardens plant sale and bought a LOT of plants. We drove around town afterwards and dropped in on other plant sales, picking up a few more lovely specimens. Then my mom left, and I worked like a crazy person to get them all in the ground that day. Here's how it went.



So that's what I've been doing! I've added a couple things since taking these pictures, but this is basically where the project is right now. I can't wait to see how it will look when the plants fill in!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

ditching days and new discoveries.

by Crystal

Blog friends. I will not lie to you. I ditched two days this weekend. Two days that would have been fun, but the activities we were doing did not constitute the ensembles that #StyleMeMay called for. Some of our friends have a lake house about 45 minutes away - so we spent the weekend there celebrating E's Birthday! The big 3-1! Yeah, he's an old man.

Day 12 - Garden party. Now let's not kid ourselves, I've never been to a garden party. If I would have worn an outfit this day, then I probably would have Googled "garden party attire," or asked my phone "what should I wear to a garden party." I doubt I wouldn't have gotten much of a response though, since I don't have Siri.

Either way, it's no garden party, but we did snap a photo of me and the old man that day.

Day 13 - "Seen on a style blog." Given the amount of style blogs I read, this one would have been a breeze, had it not been for the fact that I spent most of the day on the couch. E left for a business trip, and I got Chinese food and watched The Vow. Then I proceeded to call E and made him tell me that if we ever got in a car accident and I lost my memory of meeting him, he would do everything he could to make me fall in love with him again.

Day 14 - "All about the eyes." In my case, "all about the eye."

Day 25 - "Ivy League Preppy." I can't lie, this was a little out of my comfort zone. And since E is out of town, I'm was having some trouble capturing the entire outfit. Then I researched PicFrame! You can take multiple pictures, choose how you want to frame them, zoom and move them around, and then share it on Instragam. I realize I'm a bit late in this discovery, but I'm just glad I found out about this thing at all.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Hey there, Delilah. What's up, Dorothy?

by Crystal

Day 10 of #StyleMeMay: Plain white shirt. I went with a tee. Whenever I think of plain white tee's, "Hey there, Delilah" gets stuck in my head. I just did it again...uggggggh.

Day 11: Color below the ankles. I haven't worn these flats much because they're just a LITTLE too small. But I'm hoping if I wear them more they'll stretch out. They're just too cute not to wear. They remind me that "there's no place like home." Heck yes, Wizard of Oz reference.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

5, 6, 7, 8...

by Crystal

So I haven't been posting my outfits daily for #StyleMeMay, but I've still been participating. Here's the weekend (plus a few days) round up...

Day 5 - put a scarf on it. Normally I would have no problem, because I'm wearing scarves at least every other day, but this one didn't last long in the 80 degree weather, folks.

Day 6 - layer jewelry. Not something I usually do. And I felt awkward taking a picture of it.

Day 7 - world traveler. Paid homage to my first word traveling. I studied in Spain ("hola" means "hello" in Spanish. Yeah, I'm knowledgeable.), and I got this scarf in Morocco. See? Scarf every other day.

Day 8 - fresh lipstick. I made a special trip to the CVS for this color. I'm obviously an amateur lipstick buyer because I didn't get the kind that doesn't go on everything your lips touch. For example, your chicken salad wrap, water glass, fiance's face...but I still loved it!

Also, totally loving the Instagram filters. They make every picture look better! But you better believe for the few that I take that are good without one, I'm #nofilter-ing those babies so you know I made that look good all on my own!

Friday, May 4, 2012

What gets complimented.

by Crystal

Day 4 of #StyleMeMay says to wear something that always gets complimented:

I'm talking about the shorts, here, folks. Yes, you've seen these before. I've worn these several times since I got them a few months ago, and have gotten a lot of compliments on them. I've come up with the theory that people must have never seen someone in yellow shorts before. Because most of the times the compliment goes something like:

GASP! "Oh, I like the color of those shorts."
GASP! "Oh, those are some shorts."

Either that or I just get weird stares when I'm strolling through the aisles of the local supermarket. I'm going to consider those compliments, too.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Jazz Up Your Hands.

by Crystal

Eric and I went to get mani/pedis last night. While I normally don't get any polish on my fingernails because I can't walk from the salon to the car without chipping it, I knew that #StyleMeMay's Day 3 called for jazzing up my hands, so I decided to go for it. I went green.

I know. I know what you're thinking: "Nail polish AND a bracelet? Crystal, now that's just too much!" So this is what I'm calling my jazz hands for the day.

In other news, I have a court appointment this afternoon. I have to go contest a ticket I got for not registering my car when I moved here or something grown up like that. Do you think the judge will take me seriously with green fingers and toes? Let's hope so.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


by Crystal

I found out about this StyleMeMay challenge done by Dean Street Society.

So I decided to participate! I mean, who doesn't like a little help with the age-old "what should I wear today?" question. Although I missed Day 1 (which makes me sad because I love wearing twirly things...maybe I'll redo Day 1 after Day 31!), I'm jumping right in for Day 2: bright, happy color. Or in my case - colors!! Here I am trying to make my personality look as bright as my dress. It doesn't look quite as successful as I intended...

I'll be posting all my outfits on Instragam (@crystalight), and on the blog for the month!

Outfit Details:
Dress: Forever 21
Shoes: Old Navy